Post Operative


  • After surgery, you should rest quietly for the first 48 hours. You will be able to walk around the house and perform light daily activities. However, during this time, it is not at all unusual for you to feel some pain, soreness, and pressure in the chest area. This will gradually subside, and Dr. Khuthaila will give you pain medication to relieve it.
  • Be sure to lie on your back whenever you rest or sleep.
  • Dr. Khuthaila will provide a garment for you to wear after surgery. This garment is seamless and gives support (No Underwire).
  • You will be able to shower the following day after surgery and change the bra as needed. The surgical dressing is water-resistant. When taking a shower, remove the bra. The small white tapes that are under the gauze directly over your incision should be left on. Use mild soap and pat yourself dry, and put the bra back on.
  • DO NOT submerge yourself in a bath, swimming pool, or whirlpool for two weeks.
  • The steri-strips covering your incisions will remain until your first postoperative visit; Dr. Khuthaila will remove them.
  • The maximum swelling occurs at about three days and then begins to improve dramatically. Mild bruising typically resolves within 14 days. Drinking lots of water and moving around a bit will help the swelling dissipate.
  • You should plan to be off of work for 5 to 7 days, although this can vary from person to person.
  • No heavy exercise or lifting for 4 weeks following surgery. This will allow the implants to remain in the proper position without movement. For the first 3 days following surgery, you should try to restrict arm movements. Move your arms slowly and avoid sudden jerky movement of the best and breast area.
  • Dr. Khuthaila encourages walking immediately after surgery. This activity will greatly minimize the risk of deep clots in your leg veins.
  • If you have problems with itching, you may want to put lotion on your breasts (being careful to avoid the incisions). Itching is usually due to skin stretching.
  • Constipation is common after surgery. Pain medication often causes it. Continue drinking lots of water, as this will help move things along as well.
  • DO NOT expose your breasts to the sun for 6 weeks after surgery.
  • *Please notify Dr. Khuthaila if:
  • One breast becomes significantly larger than the other.
  • You develop significant bruising across the chest.
  • You experience a significant increase in pain.
  • If you develop a temperature above 100.5 F.
  • If you develop redness (like a sunburn) around your incisions.
  • If you have difficulty breathing.


  • You may experience temporary pain, soreness, numbness of abdominal skin, and incision discomfort.
  • Dr. Khuthaila will provide a garment for you to wear after surgery.
  • Maximum discomfort will occur in the first few days.
  • You will have bruising and swelling of the abdomen. The majority of bruising and swelling will subside in 2-3 weeks.
  • Start walking as soon as possible, as this helps to reduce swelling and lowers the chance of blood clots.
  • No lifting greater than 10lbs. for the first 6 weeks.
  • Avoid straining of abdominal muscles. Strenuous exercise and activities are restricted for 6 weeks.
  • Resume sexual activity as comfort permits, usually 10 days postoperatively.
  • You may feel tired for several weeks or so.
  • You will walk slightly bent forward and gradually return to normal posture over the next 3 weeks.
  • Scars will be reddened for 6 months. After that, they will fade and soften.
  • The scar will extend from one hipbone to the other, low on the abdomen.
  • You should plan to be off of work for 2-4 weeks.
  • *Please notify Dr. Khuthaila if:
  • You have increased swelling or bruising.
  • If swelling and redness persist after a few days.
  • If you have increased redness along the incision.
  • If you have severe or increased pain not relieved by medication.
  • If you have yellowish or greenish drainage from the incisions or notice a foul odor.
  • If you have bleeding from the incisions, that is difficult to control with light pressure.
  • If you develop a temperature above 100.5 F.


  • The amount of time it takes to recover from Liposuction surgery varies greatly between individuals.
  • The amount of time it takes to recover from Liposuction surgery varies greatly between individuals.
  • The amount of time it takes to recover from Liposuction surgery varies greatly between individuals.
  • You may have fluid drainage from incision sites.
  • Bruising may be apparent beyond the areas of liposuction, partially due to gravity.
  • You will have small incision sites at the point of introduction of the instrument used to remove the fat tissue.
  • The healing process is gradual. You should expect to wait at least several months to get an accurate picture of the results of your surgery.
  • Bruising typically disappears within 7-10 days. In many instances, you will be able to resume most of your normal activities within 10 days or less.
  • The small incisions will fade over several months, usually becoming barely visible.
  • Results of liposuction surgery are usually long-lasting, but they may be affected by weight gain, aging, pregnancy, and lifestyle factors.


  • Start walking as soon as possible, as this helps to reduce swelling and lowers the chance of blood clots.
  • There will be swelling and discoloration for 1-2 weeks, possibly longer.
  • There initially may be numbness around the area.
  • There may be postoperative pain.
  • You may shower 24 hours after surgery.
  • Keep incisions clean and inspect daily for signs of infection.
  • Apply Neosporin as needed.
  • Wear absorbent pads or feminine napkins to absorb any drainage.
  • Some oozing and drainage are expected.
  • No tub soaking while sutures are in place.
  • Wear loose-fitting bottoms (jeans and tight clothes may rub against the stitches).
  • Wear brief cotton underwear.
  • You can use Witch Hazel (comes in pre-soaked cotton rounds, wipes, or bottles) to keep the area clean.
  • No lifting greater than 5 pounds for one week.
  • No sexual intercourse for 6 weeks. Resume sexual activity as comfort permits.
  • No sexual intercourse for 6 weeks. Resume sexual activity as comfort permits.
  • Sutures used for your surgery dissolve and do not need to be removed.


  • Do not massage or manipulate the area directly. No facials or lying face down on a massage table for at least one week.
  • Do not massage or manipulate the area directly. No facials or lying face down on a massage table for at least one week.
  • No flying on an airplane for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • No flying on an airplane for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • You may take Tylenol for pain.
  • You may apply makeup after the procedure.
  • You may apply cold compresses to the treatment sites to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Bruising and/or swelling may last up to 10 days.
  • There is occasionally mild pain, swelling, itching, or redness at the injection site. Redness may last 1-2 days.
  • It can take 2-10 days to take full effect.